
Author: Chris Brammeier

On saturday i went to manchester with a group of school friends and we went to the Bodyworlds exhibition in the Museum of science and industry. I have to say that it is a really good exhibition and would recommend it to anyone. There were loads of diferent interesting things like, what the lungs of a heavy smoker and all the blood vessels in the heart and the hand. It showed what liver sclerosis looked like and how small but damaging a kidney stone is.
After that we had very greasy fish and chips and then walked to the Arndale centre and more importantly, the Apple store. I have to say now that the more I play on a macbook, the harder it is for me not to buy one for my birthday in a few months time.
Now leopard over vista? That is a hard one, i can't decide now and I probably will not be able to decide when I buy one. Its just Leopard is a cleaner interface and doesn't annoy the hell out of you with notifications "Do you want to install this program?" "Do you still want to install this program?" "Sure you want to install it?" "This program may harm your computer, Do you still want to install it?" Course I fucking do, get my point. Leopard just seems to take care of everything.


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