Author: Chris Brammeier

Ok, so this is going to be my review of GTA.
Let me just say that I have not played any other GTA games so I can't compare it to other GTA games, especially dildo weapons, but this is a review of the game not a comparison to previous.
We take the third person view of Niko Belic and his experiences in Liberty City and start off meeting his cousin Roman. Then progressing carrying out missions for him and opening new parts to the city. I am not really here to give you a plot walkthrough of the game so I will leave the story at that.
The game is well built and the controls are more than good enough. The majority of the cars handle well apart from the odd few that don't (including hummers). The same can be said with bikes but you can fall off the back of them which makes it intersting.
Then there is everything else that you can do in Liberty City. The airport provides a great rush trying to get rid of a 4 star wanted rating obtained from driving down the tarmac. A fire truck always annoys the public spraying it with its water cannon. That however will get you a 1 star. There are also plenty of things to do in the city, from burger bars to strip clubs.
Overall it is a very well rounded game and more than lives up to its expectations but the problem I have with it is trying to shoot while driving and that means that I am not progressing that fast and beginning to get a bit bored. But I will stick at it as I want a helicopter


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