Vista Sidebar

Author: Chris Brammeier

This is actually quite cool. With getting my laptop I have vista on it and have never really paid much attention to the sidebar but now with 2 monitors I have a lot more screen real estate and so have decieded to enable it and just try it out with a few gadgets and it is quite good. So I am sat here with a gadget called blogger buddy which means that I can post this from in the sidebar and it may mean that I start posting more often again


In Response to Previous

Author: Chris Brammeier

I thought this was fitting due to my last post, this was an email I just got

Dear Friend,

I want to thank you one and all for the e-mails you have forwarded to me over the past year.

I must send a big thank you to whoever sent me the one about rat shit in the glue on envelopes, because I now have to use a wet sponge with every envelope that needs sealing.

Also, I now have to wipe the top of every can I open for the same reason.

I no longer have any savings because I gave it all to a sick girl
(Penny Brown) who is about to die in the hospital for the 1,387,258th time.

But that will change once I receive the £15,000 that Bill
Gates/Microsoft are sending me for participating in their special email programmes.

Or from the senior bank clerk in Nigeria who wants to split
seven million pounds with me for pretending to be a long lost relative of a customer who died intestate.

I no longer worry about my soul because I have 363,214 angels looking out for me.

I have learned that my prayers only get answered if I forward emails to seven friends and make a wish within five minutes.

I no longer drink Coca-Cola because it can remove toilet stains.

I no longer can buy petrol without taking a friend along to watch the car so a serial killer won't crawl in my back seat when I'm filling up.

I no longer go to shopping centres because someone will drug me with a perfume sample and rob me.

I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask me to dial a number and then I'll get a phone bill with calls to Jamaica , Uganda , Singapore and Uzbekistan , and even Falkirk

I can't use anyone's toilet but mine because a big brown African spider is lurking under the seat to cause me instant death when it
bites my bum.

I can't even pick up the £5.00 I found dropped in the car park because it probably was placed there by a sex molester waiting underneath my car to grab my leg.

If you don't send this email to at least 144,000 people in the next 70 minutes, a large dove with diarrhoea will shit on your head at 5:00pm this afternoon and fleas from 12 camels will infest your back passage, causing you to grow a hairy hump.

I know this because it actually happened to a friend of my next door neighbour's ex-mother-in-law's second husband's cousin's

By the way....a South American scientist after a lengthy study has discovered that people with low IQ always
read their emails while holding the mouse.

PS: don't bother taking your hand off now, it's too late



Look at this Shite that I get

Author: Chris Brammeier

Hey it is tara and john the directors of MSN, sorry for the interruption but
msn is closing down. this is because too many inconsiderate people are
taking up all the name (eg making up lots of different accounts for just one
person), we only have 578 names left. If you would like to close your
account, DO NOT SEND THIS MESSAGE ON. If you would like to keep your
joke, we will be shutting down the servers. Send it on, thanks. WHO EVER
ATTENTION. It's no joke if you don't believe me then go to the site
( and see for yourself.
Anyways once you've sent this message to at least 18 contacts, your msn dude
will become blue


My D40

Author: Chris Brammeier

So, as you may or may not know, I got paid last week for the work I did for Mum in her office and it was burning a hole and I had been wanting to buy a new camera for some time now. So I finally put my Money where my mouth is, and bought a Nikon D40.
The camera arrived on wednesday and I have not stopped using it ever since. It is a really nice camera to hold, not to heavy but not going to float away and the grip on it makes it easy to hold one handed. Programmed auto is good but now I now need to learn how to set up the shot to make them better. I have uploaded a few of my photos to my flickr here with all the photos before my Halo 3 shots being ones taken on my D60. The camera itself is 6.3mp which is good, there really isn't any need for more as I will not be blowing pictures up bigger than A3 and so do not need the resolution. The lens is a good starter lens, 18-55mm lens, but it doesn't have vibration redution/image stabilization and so shots can get quite blurry at longer exposure lengths.
But as a good camera to get into photography? Yes definitely



Author: Chris Brammeier

At first I didn't really know what to post about and then I found this video
Man you have to be unlucky to be splattered like that. The mongoose that takes off cos of the grenade he threw flies through the air and splatters him with no one on. UNLUCKY

On another note, today was results day and I got my results, 6A*s 2As and a B, enough to get into winstanley, so that is where I am going in 10 days time. Ten days to the end of the summer holidays. This is just a random post as you can tell, I am going to try and post every other day but when I said that last time it failed so anyway.


Burnout Paradise

Author: Chris Brammeier

I have started using swapgame again to rent games for the past few weeks of the summer holidays as they decided to give me a month half price. Anyway, first game that I got was Burnout Paradise and what a good game I got. It is just the same as most other burnout games and takes place in Paradise city. For the past few days I have had lots of fun playing it, there is lots of depth with over 75 cars to unlock and 120 different events to compete in. Even if you don't like racing then there is definitely something that you can do. I personally found the road rages to be great fun just trying to find the heaviest car and deliberately forcing your opponents off the road is satisfyingly good if not a bit nerve racking, wrecking your car also means you damage it and wreck it too often and you lose the event. Then there are 0ther events such as stunt runs and marked mans where you have to get to a place with out being taken down by other drivers, sounds easy it is not. Burning Routes are effectively time trials across the city and traffic on the roads makes it very difficult to go anywhere fast without wrecking. You are also rewarded with nitrous for other things like driving down the oncoming lane or air time. The graphics are also really good with cars looking extra good and handling really well, even the 4x4s. There is no difficulty setting so as you win more events then the cars get more harder to beat and you then have to start looking for shortcuts. But this is where the game falls down, I never played online so I am just guessing from first player experience, as cars get more difficult you need to look for the shortcuts, down railways, through building yards etc, and now a fun game where you could just go round smashes cars suddenly need hardcore deddication to learn a lot of the shortcuts to be able to make it to the finish line. Aswell, races started in the city and while there were only 8 locations on the map that they could finish in, many times the finish was in the mountains, miles away from the next event that you wanted to do, so you would race to the mountains and then get bored or sidetracked on the way back. But other than that it is a very good game with gamerscore given out regularly and rewarding you if you put the effort in to the game.
However I do believe that after a few days the game does get very repetative with the same types of events even if they finish in different places. So, to sum up, a very good game to rent for 5 days, and some easy gamerscore to achieve but I would not recommend buying it simply because it gets very repetative and quite tedious after a few days play.



Author: Chris Brammeier

So as E3 begins to wrap up in Vegas I thought that I would write a mammoth post summarising most of the announcements made.
Firstly, A new Dashboard
You can take a look at the new dashboard here. Firstly let me say that I am really excited by this and think that it is just what the xbox 360 needs. When I got my 360 about 2 years ago now, I loved the experience, the four blades provided access to everything that I needed. But now 2 years later the same experience isn't quite as good, for a number of reasons. Mainly, there have been a lot of new features, firstly the integration of Windows Live Messenger, very well implemented if not a little slow. Also the Marketplace has expanded enormously with new arcade titles added every week and also movies available for rental. This then brought about the restructuring of the marketplace and itself leading to having it's own blade. This is not a bad thing but then add the rest of the improvements in and the dash just feels old now, it is slow and not easily accessible and that is why dash is being redesigned to bring new content forward in places like marketplace and make it easier to view your content.
The Games
There were many announcements in terms of games this year, it is E3 of course. Firstly Gears of War 2 is now coming out for November and looks really cool. Graphics are awesome and the multiplayer is being bumped up from 4v4 to 5v5. I am really looking forward to this game but more so I am looking forward do Endwar. There was a new trailer release and there is a provisional release date of October. Really good. Take a look here if you want to be captivated. Call of Duty 5, otherwise known as Call of Duty:World at War, looks ok but I do feel that it is a step backwards going back to treyarch, the graphics look the same as CoD3 and while they were good, they are superseded by the immense graphics of CoD4. However, there will be co-op in it which has to be good. Guitar Hero:World Tour also looks good and I will hopefully get that but may only get the guitar.
The others
In other major news Nintendo announced that there will be a new addon for the Wii called MotionPlus which brings more control and sensitivity to the Wii remote. A good addition but this seems about the only decent thing to come of the Nintendo press conference. MAG, Massive Action Game is also coming out on the PS3 and it looks ****ing awesome. 256 players in a map and boy I want to be one of them but that means I need a PS3 which I am not getting any time soon.

So that just wraps up most of my thoughts for E3. I will probably make one more post before I go on holiday next week. Then I need to start making some money to pay for all of these games.

Author: Chris Brammeier

I just had to post this video from, a great site


Flickr Photos

Author: Chris Brammeier

This is just a quick update to say that I have added a few photos, mainly from my Iceland trip to my flickr page. Here is the link to my set, I may put some more photos up but they are the ones that I think are the best.



Author: Chris Brammeier

Ok, so this is going to be my review of GTA.
Let me just say that I have not played any other GTA games so I can't compare it to other GTA games, especially dildo weapons, but this is a review of the game not a comparison to previous.
We take the third person view of Niko Belic and his experiences in Liberty City and start off meeting his cousin Roman. Then progressing carrying out missions for him and opening new parts to the city. I am not really here to give you a plot walkthrough of the game so I will leave the story at that.
The game is well built and the controls are more than good enough. The majority of the cars handle well apart from the odd few that don't (including hummers). The same can be said with bikes but you can fall off the back of them which makes it intersting.
Then there is everything else that you can do in Liberty City. The airport provides a great rush trying to get rid of a 4 star wanted rating obtained from driving down the tarmac. A fire truck always annoys the public spraying it with its water cannon. That however will get you a 1 star. There are also plenty of things to do in the city, from burger bars to strip clubs.
Overall it is a very well rounded game and more than lives up to its expectations but the problem I have with it is trying to shoot while driving and that means that I am not progressing that fast and beginning to get a bit bored. But I will stick at it as I want a helicopter



Author: Chris Brammeier

Many will know of the popular microblogging tool twitter for posting little tidbits of info to the world, similar to a blog but with only 140 characters available. But I have decided to not use twitter as it seems to have a lot of problems scaling, and so I have been using the smaller, but in my view better, as my microblogging tool. Instead of displaying posts down in a list it displays them in a timeline view that also includes the plurks of your friends. Also, friends can discuss about your plurks and you can share images and other things like youtube as well. Altogether it is a well rounded service with lots of new features possible. It is still in its infancy and we will wait to see how well it scales with that being twitters main problem. But it is good and if you want to join then click this link

P.S. I am going to try and post regularly, hopefully once a day if not then once everyother day.



Author: Chris Brammeier

The following excerpts are allegedly culled from church magazines.....

Thank G-d for church ladies with typewriters. These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services:

  • Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa, will be speaking tonight at Calvary Methodist. Come hear Bertha Belch all the way from Africa.
  • The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals."
  • The sermon this morning: "Jesus Walks on the Water." The sermon tonight: "Searching for Jesus."
  • Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Don't forget your husbands.
  • The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been canceled due to a conflict.
  • Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help.
  • For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
  • At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be What Is Hell?" Come early and listen to our choir practice
  • Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.
  • Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
  • Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.
  • Attend and you will hear an excellent speaker and heave a healthy lunch.
  • The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.
  • The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.
  • Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10 AM. All ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B. S. is done.
  • The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.
  • Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church Please use large double door at the side entrance.
  • The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new tithing campaign slogan last Sunday: "I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours."


Download day

Author: Chris Brammeier

Just wanted to draw attention to download of day of Firefox 3.0 here. Please help to download it and take a look at some of the innovative new features here. I will post a full review of it when I have downlloaded it and used it for a few days but downloads begin at 6pm BST


Slo Mo Videos

Author: Chris Brammeier

Just had to post these videos that I found on Crave



Author: Chris Brammeier

I have just logged back into to the blogger dashboard and noticed that my last post was dated 29th of April so I obviously didn't post any time in May due to revision and exams. So now as I finish my last exams (physics tomorow and Geography on Thurday) I hope to get back to blogging.
I have a few post that I can write. I have started using plurk, a micro-blogging tool a bit like twitter. Also I want to do a full review of NEXT, by Michael Crichton that I finished reading earlier this week, a very good book and well worth the read.
And to finish off, yesterday I ordered GTA so that should come by Friday or Saturday, so I will write a review of that probably Sunday. As for the future, well I don't know what I will do. I will probably write quite a bit about the 3G iPhone that apple announced on Monday and also comment on some of the stories that I find on Digg



Author: Chris Brammeier

Don't really know why I am posting this as I do not have the game yet but anyway. The game came out yesterday and has got loads of reviews by people like IGN. Erm I am deep in revision at the moment but will probably get the game when I have finished my exams but a few things to note are on the rockstar social club site but here are the basics

  • Crime is up around 800,000,000%
  • 24,700 criminals have been arrested
  • 781,556 cars have been stolen
  • 8,241,576 call outs have been made
  • 221,525 N.O.O.S.E. call outs have been made


A Blasted Gate

Author: Chris Brammeier

Heard this on the local news. Gates have recently been installed around the borugh of wigan to protect the back alleyways from ghroups of chavs. But when do they stop working? Think about it if you were to have a gate then you have something to protect but how the hell are you protecting it if there is a one metre gap at the side of the fence. This is what happened when contractors left a gate with a one metre gap adjacent to it. The gate which cost £1400 is now rendered useless and is a complete waste of money.


Photos from Coventry Cathedral

Author: Chris Brammeier

Started using flickr recently to host my photos and here are some that I took when I went to Coventry cathedral on Wednesday.


CoD4 Maps

Author: Chris Brammeier

The new maps for Call of Duty 4 came out and like a lot of people I was quite excited so on Friday once I heard that they had been released I went and downloaded them. They cost 800 Microsoft points and so they are not cheap. The Variety map pack includes 4 different maps all ranging in the contents. Creek is what it says, there is deep crevice with good sniping opportunities but in the creek there is a cave system that you can fight through and is good for those who like close quarters combat. Chinatown is a remake of an old Call of Duty 2 map, Carenten. The fighting on this map is very close quarters and can be good sometimes but other times, the many buildings mean that you can be shot from behind lots and once the team get into a room it is very unlikely that you will be able to get in and kill them. Also the small rooms mean that frags do a lot of damage and there are a lot of them. Broadcast is taken from the single player campaign and is a large open TV studio and control room, this means that the fighting can get quite intense but not annoying like Carenten or Creek. Finally there is Killhouse, this is an old abandoned training facility in an open warehouse.


Fiddling Around

Author: Chris Brammeier

I've been hosting some games on Rainbow 6 Vegas today and it went smoothly cos I got a 24mb/sec connection but I know that it never actually recieves 2

Not bad I would say for hosting games.


700MHz spectrum

Author: Chris Brammeier

So I have been paying a bit of attention to some of the news of the auction of the 700MHz spectrum in the US and it now seems that the hammer has been thrown down and the auction finished. Now then the 700MHz spectrum is the spectrum that analogue TV signals are broadcast on, as such they can penetrate walls and so would be good to carry internet signals and stuff like that. As such the auction has finished and the results have been released. Verizon Wireless spent over $9 bil on one block of the spectrum and AT&T spent $6.5 bil on another block on the spectrum.


Rainbow 6 Vegas 2

Author: Chris Brammeier

Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 came out today and so I already had it on pre-order to arrive in the post. It came this morning and so I have spent most of the afternoon playing it since I got back from school at 3 o'clock. I do have to say now that I am not overly impressed. I guessed by the fact that with Vegas 1 being one of the best games of 2006, I figured that this game should be really good, even better. But that is sadly not the point. Firstly, the graphics are the same, same texture, same colour. They are even laggy in places on the single player when it should have no problem with the graphics. Secondly, the fact that it all seems the same, there is no innovative new way of game play, I know that it is a sequel and all that so it wasn't going to be a major overhaul of gameplay mechanics as such but it seems exactly the same as Vegas 1.
There are some good things that have been done as well though. One of the major overhauls is the change to the ranking system. Instead of having a ranking system in only the multiplayer, there is now a ranking system in the single player story. The ranking system has been changed as well. The major boost to your rank in Vegas 1, came when you won a game. This meant that many people were playing attack and defend on the attacking team so that they would get the most points available. Now they have changed it so that you get ranks for kills, and you can actually see your rank increasing along the progress bar along the bottom. There are also some changes to the multiplayer with a big change to conquest. Now you have to hold all the three satellites for 30 seconds to win and it now means that the game can change at the end of the game.



Author: Chris Brammeier

On saturday i went to manchester with a group of school friends and we went to the Bodyworlds exhibition in the Museum of science and industry. I have to say that it is a really good exhibition and would recommend it to anyone. There were loads of diferent interesting things like, what the lungs of a heavy smoker and all the blood vessels in the heart and the hand. It showed what liver sclerosis looked like and how small but damaging a kidney stone is.
After that we had very greasy fish and chips and then walked to the Arndale centre and more importantly, the Apple store. I have to say now that the more I play on a macbook, the harder it is for me not to buy one for my birthday in a few months time.
Now leopard over vista? That is a hard one, i can't decide now and I probably will not be able to decide when I buy one. Its just Leopard is a cleaner interface and doesn't annoy the hell out of you with notifications "Do you want to install this program?" "Do you still want to install this program?" "Sure you want to install it?" "This program may harm your computer, Do you still want to install it?" Course I fucking do, get my point. Leopard just seems to take care of everything.


Really funny london underground

Author: Chris Brammeier

Found this really funny


Shift Happens

Author: Chris Brammeier

This is a very frightening video that was shown at my mum's conference yesterday, words cannot do it justice


HD DVD is dead

Author: Chris Brammeier

Today, Toshiba, one of the main proponents of the HD DVD camp held a press conference. In this they announce that they were discontinuing the production of HD DVD drives for computers and stand alone drives. This then means that the survivor of the war is Sony's Blu-Ray disc. There have been reportedly around 1.3 million HD DVD drives sold in the world which are now rendered useless. As well as this announcement, there are also strong rumours that Paramount and Universal will go exclusively Blu-Ray.
Finally, we can all go out and buy HD media knowing that what we buy will not be obselete in a few months.


Flukey Goals

Author: Chris Brammeier

Flukey or what

No. 2 was the flukeyest


Thought some people may find this, trick is to read it but not as if it is code just as normal text.

TOP SECRET Microsoft(c) Project: Longhorn(TM) SP1
#include "win95.h"
#include "win98.h"
#include "leopard.h"

char chew_up_some_ram[10000000];

void main() {
while (!CRASHED) {

if (first_time_install) {

if (still_not_crashed) {

if (!DX10GPU()) {
set_graphics(aero, very_slow)

//printf("Welcome to Windows 2000");
//printf("Welcome to Windows XP");
printf("Welcome to Windows Vista");

while (something) {




Author: Chris Brammeier

Yesterday I went to london with my family to watch Les Miserable. We got on a train to London Euston at 8 and got into London at around 10:30. From Euston we got on the underground and spent most of the morning following my sister round Primark (great :( ). Then from there we went to the apple store and I played on the macs which are very nice and I would get one for my birthday if they weren't so damn expensive. Walking down regent street we found a subway which we all got subway from and we sat on the fire exit steps of some church in a backstreet. After that we got to the theatre on Shaftsbury avenue.
The show was amazing. I can't really describe the show only that it was amazing and everyone should go and see it. The scene changes are so quick and the moving turntable means that the next scene can be set behind the one that is going on. There is also lots of leg room in the theatre as well.


Rather Funny

Author: Chris Brammeier

This is another of them facebook groups that I keep finding this especially for the people of TSR who read this and go to uni
I- Thou Shalt Nap
And God gave unto Student a great gift, the gift of napping. God said to him, You shall spend half your day napping. You shall nap in class, in your room and in your friend's room. And God said, if you don't nap, you will not be able to stay up all night drinking. And Student said, Nap I shall, and it was good.

II- Thou Shalt Get Ill All the Time
Now God said to Student, you must be ill all of the time. And student said why. And God said unto him, you shall share drinks, stay up too late, drink too much and hook up with people you don't know. Therefore, God said, you shall be ill all year round. But God said, blessed are the sick for they have partied the hardest. And it was good.

III- Thou Shalt Acquire A Nickname
And Student asked of his name, for he had heard that names often change at university. And God said unto him, you shall acquire a nickname and that is what people will know you as forever. Some may even forgot your real name, God added. And student asked if he could choose the name he was to be known by. And God laughed a mighty laugh and said to Student, he who attempts to pick his own nickname shall be called Assknuckle! And Student understood his wisdom and determined to accept whichever nickname he was given.

IV- Thou Shalt Wear a Hoodie
And then Student asked God, God how do I look like a university student. And God said unto student, you must wear a hoodie, for it is a useful garment. And you shall never wash it either. Student asked God, "What kind of Hoodie should it be?" And God said, "You shall own many of varying colours and creeds." And Student was pleased and God was pleased.

V- Thou Shalt Embarrass Yourself Online
And next student asked God of technology and how one should conduct himself online. And God said to student, thou shalt embarrass yourself online. And student was confused but God explained it to him. Said God, you will log into facebook drunk and write embarrassing things on your friends profiles. You will message people you are attracted to and then completely forget you have done so. You will post pictures of yourself that will someday be the reason you cannot find a job. And student began to weep so God took a video of this and put it on youtube.

VI- Thou Shalt Order Many Takeaways
Student asked unto God if there were any need for takeaways given the numerous recipe books he had already acquired, but God said to him, "You shall order many a takeaway, but you are poor, with little money and shall eat 8p value noodles instead of using said books." Student ordered takeaway and ate 8p value noodles and it was good.

VII- Thou Shalt Hook Up
Student then asked of sex. And God said, Student, you shall hook up and be happy. You shall go home with random people every weekend, do the walk of shame and forget about them the next day. You shall see them at uni and be awkward amongst their company. You shall exchange saliva at clubs and parties and it will be good. And Student became gleeful and said 'giggity, giggity' and it was good.

VIII- Thou Shalt Join a Club and Never Go to Meetings
Student inquired of his spare time and God reminded him that he should be napping. But Student said he wanted to do other things. So God said unto him, you shall join a club at the beginning of the semester, but then never go to meetings. And Student asked why he should not go to meetings, and God told him, because the glee club is gay. And Student understood His wisdom.

IX- Thou Shalt Wake Up Confused
God said to Student, there will come many a day when you shall wake up in the bed of another and not know where you are. You will not remember what you did last night and you shall be confused. You will see that you have nipple rings and a tattoo now and are covered in marker pen. And Student was disturbed by this, but God said, you shall tell great stories about it to your friends someday. And Student understood and God took a sip of a beer.

And God gave Student the final Commandment

X- Thou Shalt Gain Weight
And Student wished to hear the final commandment and God said he would not like it. But Student insisted, so God said unto him, you shall gain weight. However, God said, you will not buy new clothes, so you will wear sweat pants a lot. God said, Student, you will watch a lot of TV and become fat to which Student wept profusely. But God comforted Student saying, you will still hook up even if you cannot tie your shoes anymore for many will be like you and that is good. The student felt better and God pointed to Students chest saying, those will soon be bitch tits.




Author: Chris Brammeier

I went karting last saturday and I have to say that it is was very fun. I went with Ryan, Luke, Dan, and Dean. We went to the Wigan indoor track and even though it is small it is very good. We had a good time and I did around 38 laps in about 20 minutes and didn't crash once (some very near misses though). Danny managed to crash a few times and right at the end when the marshalls said for us all to slow down and go into the pits, luke comes hairing up the back straight and jams himself between me and the tire barrier. But that is all for now. I will post about how oliver went on saturday night



Author: Chris Brammeier

In 1992, Gladiators burst on to ITV screens in the Saturday prime time slot. The show was hailed as a huge success and stayed on the screen for another 8 years. As a kid I loved this programme and every Saturday I would watch gladiators and use the sofa cushions to play gladiators with pillows. So, yesterday it was announced that Gladiators would be making a comeback :) .
The show has been taken over by sky and the new 10, 1hr long episodes will be broadcast on Sky 1 in may.


Xbox News

Author: Chris Brammeier

You may remember that in a previous post, I talked about the free game Microsoft were offering to all xbox live members. That has been confirmed and is now on xbox live, free to download till sunday night. Turning Point:Fall of Liberty now has a demo on Xbox Live. This is an alternative reality game where the US gets invaded by the Nazis in WWII. It is first person shooter and is meant to be quite good, albeit, I haven't tried the demo yet.
Also of note, Call of Duty 4 has beaten Halo 3 to the top of the most played xbox live game last week. THIS IS AWESOME. Take a look

US, January 22, 2008 - There's a new king of Xbox 360. At least for the week of January 14. Though Halo 3 has often been tops among Xbox 360 games, last week belonged to Call of Duty 4. This according to Microsoft's Live-savvy Major Nelson.

The Top Live Titles list ranks unique users playing Xbox games while connected to Live.
Xbox 360 Top Live Titles

  1. Call of Duty 4
  2. Halo 3
  3. Guitar Hero III
  4. Gears of War
  5. Rock Band
  6. Madden NFL 08
  7. Assassin's Creed
  8. Mass Effect
  9. FIFA 08
  10. Forza Motorsport 2


Some Pics that have been thrown my way

Author: Chris Brammeier

What do you think of this slide, eh?
Image Hosted by

This is another one posted on TSR, all credit goes to Jake22
Image Hosted by

What do you think?


I want one of these

Author: Chris Brammeier

Ok, I know I haven't been posted for a while, (bloody mocks :( ), I couldn't resist posting one about this though.
It is called the disintegrater and is basically an elastic band gatling gun, if fires 6" elastic bands at a rate of 40 rounds per second. The gun is a modification of the gatling gun sold by surefire products with 2 screwdrivers to spin the barrels.

Check out the video


This is funny

Author: Chris Brammeier

After having their 11th child, a Scouse couple decided that was enough, as they could not afford a larger bed. So the husband went to his doctor and told him that he and his wife didn't want to have any more children.
The doctor told him there was a procedure called a vasectomy that would fix the problem but it was expensive. A less costly alternative was to go home, get a firework, light it, put it in a beer can, then hold the
can up to his ear and count to 10.
The Scouser said to the doctor, "I may not be the smartest guy in the world, but I don't see how putting a firework in a beer can next to my ear is going to help me."
"Trust me, it will do the job", said the doctor.
So the man went home, lit a banger and put it in a beer can. He held the can up to his ear and began to count: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5," at which point he paused and then placed the beer can between his legs so he could
continue counting on his other hand.
This procedure also works in Bristol (Kingswood), parts of Essex,
inner London, Newcastle, West Malling, Norfolk, Yorkshire, Istanbul and anywhere in Wales


The format war

Author: Chris Brammeier

As most people interested in technology know, there has been a format war, HD DVD vs Blu Ray. Until this far, the war has been fairly evenly spread. Each format is offers relatively the same quality and until now the number of titles on each format has been roughly equal.

But last week, Warner Brothers announced that they would be exclusively backing Blu Ray. So this now means that the majority of films are on blu ray disk and so many are now predicting that the death of HD-DVD is begining.

This is not helped by speculation on the internet that Paramount is about to jump ship to Blu Ray and with these recent developments, it has prompted the head of xbox hardware to say at CES that Microsoft would support a Blu Ray drive if the market wanted it and HD DVD failed.


Xbox Live is down

Author: Chris Brammeier

As some may or may not know, xbox live has been having a bit of a problem over the christmas holidays. Microsoft have released a statement saying that the problems are to do with a sudden influx of people joining the live service. (But most people know that the mice in the servers are not working hard enough) That said, in their statement, they promised that all xbox live gold members would receive a free xbox live arcade game. This was totally unexpected and unheard of. It was the big M$ that ignored the fact the xbox 360 had such a high hardware failure rate so for them to apologise and offer a free game, well everyone was stunned I think.


Legalise Chav Hunting

Author: Chris Brammeier

I found this group on facebook the other day. Humanity has long since known that the existence of chavs are detrimental to society. For that reason, this guy on face book has set up the group, legalise chav hunting. On the main page, he basically sets out the rules as he defines it as a sport. And why not! If fox hunting is a sport, then why not chav hunting.

Here is the link to it, Legalise Chav Hunting
He also explains the scoring system as well so there minions. I order you to go out and kill chavs, the person with the most number of points wins.



Author: Chris Brammeier

I was reading the paper on the way down to Coventry today and there was an article on how the beatles are now licensing their works to be used in advertising. The article described how they sued nike over advertising in the '80s. But next to the article, there was a grey box with the heading 'Other potential contracts for the Beatles songs' and they had a list of songs and what products they could advertise and here is some of them
The long and winding road: Tom Tom sat-nav
Strawberry Fields Forever: Hartley's Jam
She's leaving home: Student loans company
Here, There Everywhere: CCTV services
But the best and by far the best has to be this one


Funny French Guy

Author: Chris Brammeier

Watch this video, the best bits are at 3:36-3:40 and around 3:56


Ghost town

Author: Chris Brammeier

After playing the 2 missions in Pripyat on call of duty 4, I was looking more into the town of pripyat, a ghost town. The town is deserted. It was just a few miles from the destroyed nuclear reactor at Chernobyl. The ferris wheel, where there is a large radiation spike is unmoved in 21 years.
The website is a really good read and some haunting pictures. Especially of the swimming pool.